
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Facebook Official

First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day! I hope you had an awesome day in whichever awesomeness you chose for yourself.

It was a special day and I had an amazing day with my awesome children. My biggest reward today was that they actually wanted to be with me and they enjoyed my company. This is a huge accomplishment when you have a 17 year old and an 11 year old. I am not always as interesting as the boyfriend or as eventful as the social calendar, and I am definitely not as much fun as the XBox. ;)

So when they are happy to do a late lunch and movie with Momma, I am tickled! (Noticing hubby was absent from all of this? He is stateside TDY.)

It was a great time. We ate lunch at Mac Grill, went and saw a movie, and it was topped off by some great girl time, on a hilltop, watching the flowers and windmills in the setting sun.

Couldn't ask for more, right?

Well I got more.

Here is what my lovely daughter posted on her facebook early this morning:

Then after our lovely day together and then our mountain picture session. She posted this:

If I ever wonder whether or not I'm doing a good job, I need look no further than facebook. Because its facebook official, I'm a good mom! 


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